[Sunday 26th June] 2016 [Saturday 2nd July]

Begin each day in ways that pamper, restore and nurture your body, mind and spirit; then scatter yourself like a handful of dream seeds into the fertile hours that make up your life.
Spend the day being gentle with yourself and one another... Do something that opens and expands your imagination and awareness. Pay attention and write down ideas, insight or anything else that inspires you. You may be feeling an intense need for solitude and privacy - Honor this. If you begin to feel restless, get some fresh air, go on a mini adventure (even if it's just walking down the street), or look for the beauty, magick, and mystery in something ordinary. Gaia whispers Come rest with me. Come play with me.
Monday, 27 June:
What were you dreaming when you awoke this morning?... Start the day by placing your goals upon the altar. Give them to the Goddess Persephone for safe keeping. Today is not the day to worry or fear, rather, take action toward your hearts desire. Even baby steps or one simple task completed on your to-do list will give you motivation to continue on your sacred path with renewed focus, drive and determination. B R E A T H E to stay centered, calm and patient. Practice honoring the flow of your life. Someone you love desires to sit in your presence. Give in to them, if only for a little while.
Tuesday, 28 June:
If you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, please be kind to yourself. Say No. to whatever doesn't feel in alignment with your own needs, desires and plans. And, don't you dare feel guilty! Speak TRUTH from the depths of your authentic self and there will be no misunderstandings or hurt feelings. By early evening, in an unexpected way, the mysteries and magick of life may be revealed by the Goddess Iris. Be watchful.
Wednesday, 29 June:
Release the need to control, today. Instead: Go With the Flow.(If you feel stuck, watch out! - things will soon move quickly!) Take a moment this morning, while still in bed, to stretch and enjoy the sensual pleasure of your body and your senses. Ask Aphrodite to help you think of ways to adorn and nurture yourself. Quiet meditation will deepen your sense of well being. Release old hurts, resentment, sadness and anger. Allow yourself to grow and change. Keep silent and witness the unfolding. For now, keep your thoughts to yourself. With self and others, be kind, gentle and compassionate in both word and deed.
Thursday, 30 June:
Comfort yourself in the ways that validate, support and reassure you of your own unique beauty, strength and worth. Go slow. Keep a steady flow of energy moving through the circumstances of your day and life. Trust. It is important to know that being vulnerable is not a weakness. Even if you get hurt, being open is the only way to grow and blossom. Be creative spiritually and emotionally. Allow the Goddess Bherunda Nitya to open space for love, understanding, and forgiveness. Later this evening, nurture yourself by avoiding difficult people, situations and topics. Sweet dreams.
Friday, 1 July:
The Goddess Eutychia desires to shower you with a deep sense of happiness, if you will only keep a positive attitude. Be willing to be seen. Shine your light. Be open to new adventures. When was the last time you read a book or learned something new? See beauty and enjoy the romance of life. It is good to try new things, and it is especially helpful now, to create a daily routine that enriches your mind, calms your emotions, cares for your body, and lifts your spirit. Your keyword: Gratitude.
Saturday, 2 July:
Being open-minded is vital today, as infinite possibilities open a window of opportunity. Take a deep breath and let the angst, turmoil and fear from the past few months dissipate. You will be able to more efficiently and coherently take action and process your past experiences. This will pave the way; enabling you to reach your goals and manifest your dreams in the coming weeks. So, for now, relax. Gather with others of like mind and heart. Allow the Goddess Artemis to help you trust your intuition. Use your power of imagination to creatively express yourself. Your soul self whispers: Be passionate. Good things are on their way!
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