Sunday, June 26, 2016

Fortune-Telling: Cast a Spell on Days to Come

[Sunday 26th June] 2016 [Saturday 2nd July]

Begin each day in ways that pamper, restore and nurture your body, mind and spirit; then scatter yourself like a handful of dream seeds into the fertile hours that make up your life.

Sunday, 26 June:

Spend the day being gentle with yourself and one another... Do something that opens and expands your imagination and awareness. Pay attention and write down ideas, insight or anything else that inspires you. You may be feeling an intense need for solitude and privacy - Honor this. If you begin to feel restless, get some fresh air, go on a mini adventure (even if it's just walking down the street), or look for the beauty, magick, and mystery in something ordinary. Gaia whispers Come rest with me. Come play with me.

Monday, 27 June:

What were you dreaming when you awoke this morning?... Start the day by placing your goals upon the altar. Give them to the Goddess Persephone for safe keeping. Today is not the day to worry or fear, rather, take action toward your hearts desire. Even baby steps or one simple task completed on your to-do list will give you motivation to continue on your sacred path with renewed focus, drive and determination. B R E A T H E to stay centered, calm and patient. Practice honoring the flow of your life. Someone you love desires to sit in your presence. Give in to them, if only for a little while. 

Tuesday, 28 June:

If you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, please be kind to yourself. Say No. to whatever doesn't feel in alignment with your own needs, desires and plans. And, don't you dare feel guilty! Speak TRUTH from the depths of your authentic self and there will be no misunderstandings or hurt feelings. By early evening, in an unexpected way, the mysteries and magick of life may be revealed by the Goddess Iris. Be watchful.  

Wednesday, 29 June:

Release the need to control, today. Instead: Go With the Flow.(If you feel stuck, watch out! - things will soon move quickly!) Take a moment this morning, while still in bed, to stretch and enjoy the sensual pleasure of your body and your senses. Ask Aphrodite to help you think of ways to adorn and nurture yourself. Quiet meditation will deepen your sense of well being. Release old hurts, resentment, sadness and anger. Allow yourself to grow and change. Keep silent and witness the unfolding. For now, keep your thoughts to yourself. With self and others, be kind, gentle and compassionate in both word and deed. 

Thursday, 30 June:

Comfort yourself in the ways that validate, support and reassure you of your own unique beauty, strength and worth. Go slow. Keep a steady flow of energy moving through the circumstances of your day and life. Trust. It is important to know that being vulnerable is not a weakness. Even if you get hurt, being open is the only way to grow and blossom. Be creative spiritually and emotionally. Allow the Goddess Bherunda Nitya to open space for love, understanding, and forgiveness. Later this evening, nurture yourself by avoiding difficult people, situations and topics. Sweet dreams. 

Friday, 1 July:

The Goddess Eutychia desires to shower you with a deep sense of happiness, if you will only keep a positive attitude. Be willing to be seen. Shine your light. Be open to new adventures. When was the last time you read a book or learned something new? See beauty and enjoy the romance of life. It is good to try new things, and it is especially helpful now, to create a daily routine that enriches your mind, calms your emotions, cares for your body, and lifts your spirit. Your keyword: Gratitude.

Saturday, 2 July:

Being open-minded is vital today, as infinite possibilities open a window of opportunity. Take a deep breath and let the angst, turmoil and fear from the past few months dissipate. You will be able to more efficiently and coherently take action and process your past experiences. This will pave the way; enabling you to reach your goals and manifest your dreams in the coming weeks. So, for now, relax. Gather with others of like mind and heart. Allow the Goddess Artemis to help you trust your intuition. Use your power of imagination to creatively express yourself. Your soul self whispers: Be passionate. Good things are on their way!

Print and use the form below to keep record of your experiences:

Wings and Roots

I spread my wings when I dare to reach for my dreams. I spread my wings when I lift to meet my goals and obligations. I spread my wings when I feel the need to stretch beyond my current limitations and fear. I spread my wings when I expand my awareness, when I soar into the heights of consciousness, when I glide with my vivid imagination. My creative desire strengthens my wings. I spread my wings and I trust in my ability to try. 

I spread my roots when I crave to look within, to connect with the earth energies, and balance strength with grace. I spread my roots when I hold on to what is sacred. I spread my roots when I treasure what makes me strong, honor what makes me healthy, and gather nourishment from a deeper source. I spread my roots when I grasp the firm foundation of wisdom. My wholeness supports my roots. I spread my roots knowing that I will not fall.

Wings and Roots by Leesa Wilson

We all have wild in our bones. 
Secret names and signs in dreams. 
Reclamations that come through storms 
and sounds and winds. 
Unsung songs, wandering hearts 
and feet that long for forbidden paths. 
Ecstasy that claws for release. 
Deep fire. 
A home we don't quite remember. 
A wailing howl waiting to rise. 
Unfurled wings.
We live lives half in and half out. 
What we don't do is say these things aloud.
It is time.

Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

We all have wild in our roots.
Hidden longing and countless fertile dreams.
Ancient knowing still flows through our blood,
and bone from mothers long gone.
Forgotten voices, buried need
and a box that holds the treasure of lost desire.
Seductively. dark humus beckons. 
Damp moss.
A tribe we forever unraveled.
A silent scream dies in our body.
Tangled roots.
We seek that which nourishes and nurtures.
What we don't do is feed our souls.
It is time.

Leesa Wilson [inspired by SHE]

Beloved Goddess
Mother of Earth and Sky

Please strengthen my roots that I may feel safe and secure,
that I may find balance, that I may grow wild and free.

Please strengthen my wings that I may know wisdom and grace,
that I may touch the divine, that I may open my mind and heart.

Beloved Goddess
Mother of Sky and Earth
I am devoted to you.

Friday, June 10, 2016

My Mission:

Is to Empower Women to Awaken, Honor, Nurture, Heal and Celebrate the Goddess Within. In dedication to the Goddess, I share from my depth of spirit.

Awaken: the slumbering Divine Feminine essence from her dreams.

The Sleeping Beauty by William A Breakspeare

To be awakened is to be brought into conscious awareness; is to remember our dreams and look for the hidden symbolism and meaning within. When we awaken, we become fully alive; able to speak, move, ponder, nourish, cleanse and prepare for what awaits us. 

Awakening to the Goddess within, we become curious and begin to seek out that which sings our inner truth... that which resonates and echoes from within our unfathomable well of being. We listen for Her voice, and see Her face reflected in our own. We pay attention to synchronicity, magick, the subtle whispers and long silenced desires that stir and arouse our passions for life. 

Honor: SHE who creates, holds, surrenders, rests and begins again.

 Silence of the Soul by William Etty

To honor is to acknowledge and align with the sacred; is to embody and flow with the Divine Feminine energies as we dance with the cycle of change. When we honor, we come into seamless unity with ancient wisdom and the perpetual rhythm of the cosmos. 

Honoring the Goddess within, we respect, cherish, and hold precious our own fierce wildness and innate connection with life. We sit with the essence of mystery and regard our own unfolding as an act of fulfillment. We agree to keep whole and holy our intentions, our thoughts, our actions, our feelings and our expression of SHE.

Nurture: the sacredness of life which yearns to grow and thrive.

The Charmer by John William Waterhouse

To nurture is to care, make space, and have compassion for our needs in such a way as to promote growth and ultimate well being. When we nurture our selves fully, we flourish and thrive physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. 

Nurturing the Goddess within, enables and empowers us to truly blossom in ways not yet imagined. We learn of, embrace, strengthen and develop our gifts and talents. We acknowledge our true worth and take time to rest, nourish and treat our selves in pampering, pleasing and enchanting ways to ensure health, harmony and happiness.

Heal: all that which has forgotten or turned from LOVE.

Ariadne by John William Waterhouse 

To heal is to alleviate dis-ease, stress and trauma; is to improve or mend ones condition or situation on every level. To heal, we must be love and open to change; we must allow what is better, more sound, and for our highest good to come through. When we heal, we become balanced, make whole and restore ourselves anew.

Healing the Goddess within, is attending to ancient mother wounds of the past, in our body and mind, in our Earth, and in our culture. We discover where and what hurts; assess what is broken, missing or suffering;  then make choices and take action to regenerate, repair and reweave the fabric of our life.

Celebrate: the beauty, wisdom, and grace within all.

Queen of the Harem by Ferdinand Max Bredt

To celebrate is to observe the miraculous, the exquisite, the mysterious, and the mystical wonder of it all. When we celebrate, we honor what is holy; we make known, commemorate, and give meaning, value and purpose to both the sacred and the mundane. 

Celebrating the Goddess within is to fully embody HER essence; it is joyfully coming into unity with Her energies. When we enter into ritual, adorn the temple, give thanks, share, rejoice, laugh, praise and gather in ways that inspire, uplift, and delight, we gain a deeper insight and significance for all things. We enjoy the gifts we are given with deeper gratitude and bliss.

The Goddess within me 
awakens, honors, nurtures, heals and celebrates 
the Goddess within you.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

She Who is Complete in Herself

There are some things that cannot be spoken. 

These things are carried on the dark wings of wisdom.

I came across this quote, today:
Her womb from her body. Separation. Her clitoris from her vulva. Cleaving. Desire from her body. We were told that bodies rising to heaven lose their vulvas, their ovaries, wombs; that her body in resurrection becomes a male body.
― Susan Griffin, Women and Nature: The Roaring Inside Her

As I read those words, I thought: 
Who told us this is so?

My spirit cried out: 
That cannot be true! Why should a female body, upon rising from this earth, become a male body?

I have not heard of this theory, before. Have you? But there have been claims always which infer that being male is far superior to being female. This type of patriarchal thinking has waged war against the female and her body for ages... 

Countless daughters of Mother Earth have had our wombs taken and our clitoris cut from our bodies. Many spend our entire lives ignoring or silencing our desires, shaming our bodies, hiding our power; all because we have been told that being born female comes with inherent sin, and therefore, we are tainted, worthless or unworthy, that we should forget the carnal pleasure of our woman bodies and focus on attaining holiness, so we can become 'men'? 'there' (in heaven)?? 

Oh no! This will never do! 

The goddess is not an out-there force among the far stars or beyond death, but is here and now and living.
― Diane Stein, The Women's Spirituality Book

The holy, the sacred, the divine, resides within us now. We are alive, here, upon our beloved mothers living body. And, therefore, with holy ritual, with sacred intent, and with divine grace, shouldn't we fully live here now, honoring the divine feminine form of our own beloved flesh, and blood, and bone bodies? 

Sister, we must remember that we are in these sacred, beautiful, soft, flawed, precious, magickal, life giving bodies here and now. Our bodies are holy temples. We are earthy, sexual, sensual, divinely feminine creatures. Women.

We are the daughters of She Who is Complete in Herself. We are the daughters of the Earth, the Sea, the Sky. Heaven is not apart from us. All of creation resides within our being. We are composed of stardust, water and the salts and the minerals of the earth!

Our womb is our spiritual cauldron, where all things are created, where all things are possible. Our clitoris is a blessed gift; pleasure its only purpose. The desires of our body speak the language of our soul and sing us into being, into wholeness. We were born female. We are a reflection of the Goddess, Herself, in all Her many expressions. 

I do not think it less than miraculous that we are born with all the dream seeds (eggs), and more than we will ever need in our maiden ovaries. Each containing infinite possibility. Symbolically, this is as we are - Each of us a tiny, but powerful part of the Goddess; the gift of life, capable of creation.

Frances MacDonald MacNair (1873–1921)

To deny us of our female bodies is sacrilege.
To strip us of being, blasphemous

My prayer:

Divine Mother of us all,
In this moment, and forever more, I give thanks for this truth. I disregard what I may have been told or still unconsciously believe, which would deny or destroy my goddess essence. I am grateful for my uniquely perfect, (no matter what flaws) woman body. I see Your divine light, grace, strength and beauty in myself. 
Within me, You live. 
Within me, You love. 
Within me, You create.
I am You and You are me. 
Selah  So it is.
The goddess in me honors the goddess in you.

Daughters of Eve
Daughters of Eve is a non profit organisation that works to protect girls and young women who are at risk from female genital mutilation (FGM).

Selah means stop and listen.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Daughters of the Holy Encoding

As you open your heart and arms to more of my awakening, you become daughters of the Holy Encoding. You dear daughters of knowing, hold within you, a memorandum that is meant for Earth. A message that is encoded with holy calligraphy. A message that you can only read from the inside out.
I ask you now beautiful daughters of the Light, to remember one of your many holy positions. Imagine yourself standing in the center of a temple when you once were part of the holy Order of the Magdalene. The Magdalene was an Order of the sacred feminine teachings that were passed down for 1000’s of years. Teachings of nature and heaven and power and wisdom that has survived thru time and myth.
In your holy text, your body is referred to as a temple. your body is a space of solid light that holds sacred memories, a place you keep your treasures of truth. In days gone by whenever you had to hide and secret something of power, you encoded within and on the body. You physically integrated the sacred encoding. Some of you placed the ashes of the sacred scrolls into oil and rubbed them upon your body. Others ingested what was written to hold its energy.
The order of the Magdalene is encoded within you. It is not a club you join. It is a sacred way of living and being for time immortal.
The next strand of time unravels many secrets as they awaken within the daughters of the stars. It may come in a dream, through a book. It may come through a tattoo or an afternoon sunset. It seeks you as much as you seek it. It has never forgotten your scent. It has never forgotten the lines of time you wear in your soul. It has never forgotten the sound of your voice.
For the one thing that has stayed the same incarnation after incarnation has been the vibration within your voice. That is the reason that sometimes people are repelled by your voice and sometimes others are hypnotized by your voice, for it has always been your calling card, your energy signature, and an activation sound.
Imagine now that you are standing as the beautiful, youthful divine goddess that you inherently are. Your physical body is a luminous temple beaming with love. Stand in the center and look at the walls of your personal inner temple. There are glyphs and sacred writings, hidden truths that seek to be remembered by you and you alone. In your heart place imagine placing your hands and your third eye upon the sacred text that lives in the walls. Now move your heart to it. Let your heart beat with it. It is your heartbeat that will awaken the truths inherent within. It is your heart key.
― Gillian MacBeth-Louthan