Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Monday, May 30, 2016

Power of the Feminine Spirit

The Feminine Principle is rising. 

A light appearing out of a dark night, she is compelling a spiritual awakening in humanity. She is birthing a renaissance on earth. She is creating a quantum leap in the soul evolution of the planet and the tremors of her presence are being felt earth-wide.

It is through the Feminine Spirit that the soul aligns with a higher vision, attains a nobler destiny, and brings forth a greater vision. Through this connection, divine archetypes make their way into the consciousness of humanity and become manifest on earth.

The Feminine Spirit has a heart for humanity and a desire to heal the planet. Her keen insightfulness is lending its creative vision to the challenges of our time. Her allegiance to beauty is restoring the wastelands we have created on earth. Her presence inspires life to bloom forth in the desert of time, and for nature to be reborn within the concrete jungle of human lives.

Aurora Juliana Ariel, PhD
Power of the Feminine Spirit

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hail Mother

Goddess, Full of Grace

I gratefully embody your holy compassion
deeper understanding, peace and comfort.

I profoundly cherish my inner void,
my sacred womb space of infinite possibility
Where dreams, desires and brilliant ideas
can be made manifest.
Through your words, art and rituals of beauty,
I am held, cleansed and made whole. 

May I ever acknowledge and delight
in the endless unfolding of beauty and wisdom,
cycles and rhythm ― life, death and rebirth.

May I ever trust the flowering of my soul
while releasing all that can no longer be held.

May I ever be open to the purest essence of love.

Holy Goddess, Mother of Earth,
Sacred Mother of the unfathomable Heavens
Please keep me in your watchful care.

O, Divine Mother,
You who knew me before my conception ―
You who keeps me always in Your knowing,
Reveal unto me your mystical truth,
your secret magick, and especially your treasured center
that I may be as You. 

Teach me, Mother
That I may live my life as a blessing
That I may fulfill my purpose
to be my most authentic expression
of You
wearing the holy fabric of countless seeds and stars.

Mother, Queen of All That Is,
Guide me on my sacred path of beauty.
Remind me ever, that as your daughter,
I am adored and empowered beyond my knowing.

Prayer to Goddess Mother
Leesa Wilson | The Gypsy Priestess
10 May 2016